The beautification of two Downtown Modesto intersections – I and 10th Street and I and 11th Street, just in front of the Gallo Center for the Arts. The intersections will be transformed into creative art designed by a local artist, with an emphasis on music and performing arts.

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What is the "Intersection of Art?"
Every year the Modesto Chamber of Commerce’s Leadership Modesto Program not only identifies, educates and motivates potential community leaders; but also requires its participants to volunteer their time to identify and complete a service project that will have a positive impact in the Community.
The Leadership Modesto (LeMo) 2017 Class, made up of 24 community leaders from various industries, has chosen to raise awareness of the arts in the community while revitalizing Downtown Modesto with the “INTERSECTION OF ART”.
“INTERSECTION OF ART” consists of redesigning and painting the Modesto I and 10th Street and I and 11th Street intersections with murals inspired by the arts.
To bring “INTERSECTION OF ART” to fruition our LeMo class needs to raise at least $37,000 in order to enhance the existing crosswalks in front of the Gallo Center for the Arts with a creative and fun alternative. We will unveil the project in early May 2017.

Checks can be mailed to:
The Modesto Chamber of Commerce
ATTN: Leadership Modesto
1114 J Street
Modesto, CA 95354
Please make payable to "Leadership Modesto."
Thank you for your support of the beautification of Downtown Modesto and the Leadership Modesto Class of 2017. Our current sponsors are listed here.
Join us for our Unveiling in May!